Saturday, 20 April 2013


Diposkan oleh Aimee Lee di 22:17 0 komentar

Oleh :
W.S. Rendra
Matahari bangkit dari sanubariku.
Menyentuh permukaan samodra raya.
Matahari keluar dari mulutku,
menjadi pelangi di cakrawala.
Wajahmu keluar dari jidatku,
wahai kamu, wanita miskin !
kakimu terbenam di dalam lumpur.
Kamu harapkan beras seperempat gantang,
dan di tengah sawah tuan tanah menanammu !
Satu juta lelaki gundul
keluar dari hutan belantara,
tubuh mereka terbalut lumpur
dan kepala mereka berkilatan
memantulkan cahaya matahari.
Mata mereka menyala
tubuh mereka menjadi bara
dan mereka membakar dunia.
Matahari adalah cakra jingga
yang dilepas tangan Sang Krishna.
Ia menjadi rahmat dan kutukanmu,
ya, umat manusia !

Friday, 19 April 2013

Simple Special Satisfaction

Diposkan oleh Aimee Lee di 16:59 0 komentar


“What should I eat?” that the question I ask whenever I enter “Bonbin”, an open cafeteria located between Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) and Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. This daily confusion actually annoys me because in the end I always eat the same food I ate yesterday. Moreover, the crowd and heat cover the place in lunch time when I grab my late breakfast. Even I should eat at one table with dirty plates and glasses which have not been taken by the sellers. The left-overs on those plates make me shudder and loss of appetite. High and low noises from people chatting and disgusting smoke become usual decorations for this place. Among those things, I try to find my comfort every time I come here.

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