Thursday, 2 June 2011

Dear, my Dawn Star..

Diposkan oleh Aimee Lee di 11:36

Why I feel afraid to love you?
I don't have braveness..
Only pain always hurting me when I feel this feeling to you..
I am afraid you are not aware that I am there..

Even I can't get my strength to look at you when you appear in front of me..
I think I am incongruous to be with you..
I feel what a pity you are if you with me..
I consider that you proper to get someone who is better than me..
Further than me..
I don't want to destroy your happiness..
I hope you will find someone who more beautiful outside and inside, love you forever, and faithful of you...
I just want to see that you will be happy with your live..
I will always remember my love of you..
As long as I still can meet you,
You still in here,
I will love you and never stop,
Although you don't know,
I am happy loving you...
My dawn star..
Someday if I miss you,
I will see you in east sky in the morning,
And I will let you know that I always love you.....

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